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Meeting on October 07+08, 2023 in NL

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Club SeventyFive
Board Member
Club SeventyFive<br>Board Member

Anmeldungsdatum: Apr 07, 2004
Beiträge: 3261
Wohnort: NL / NH
Rover 75 Tourer
2.0 CDTi
Schaltgetriebe / Manual Transmission
Zircon Silver

BeitragVerfasst am: 20-07-2023 19:45    Titel: Meeting on October 07+08, 2023 in NL Antworten mit Zitat

Dear Rover 75 and MG ZT friends,

The Club Seventyfive is organizing a meeting on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 October 2023 in NL in South Limburg. The program is as follows:

Saturday, October 7, 2023:
• 12:00 noon: lavish lunch in the Biesenhof near Geleen.
• 3 pm: guided tour through the former headquarters of NATO – NATO under the Cannerberg in Maastricht. NATO has used the quarry as a war and training headquarters and since 1956 the complex has been subject to the State Secrets Act. As a result of the increased tensions during the Cold War, the headquarters was permanently staffed in 1963, day and night, seven days a week. The complex was an important communications center for NATO.
Air defense and offensive military operations for the northern half of West Germany were coordinated here. A very interesting insight into the history of the Cold War!
Duration of the guided tour: ± 2 hours.
• 6 pm: check in at Rolduc . In the evening 3-course dinner and open end. There is a very nice bar under Rolduc in the vaults.

Sunday, October 8, 2023:
• Extensive breakfast in Rolduc.
• 10.00 am: City walk through Sittard. Sittard is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands and has had city rights since 1243. The city has a rich and beautiful history. The city walk is very varied with a visit to Fort Sanderbout , visit to the ancient churches, the secret gardens including the Mariapark (this will be opened exclusively for us)
• ± 12.00 closing lunch; location Castle Elsloo in Elsloo.
• ± 2.00 pm farewell to the participants.

Rolduc still has enough rooms available for this weekend. Blocking a number of rooms for a specific time was not possible, so please arrange the room reservation from 7 to 8 October, including breakfast, asap. We recommend in any case the Comfort room double with toilet and bathroom in the room, price EUR 124.00 including breakfast; in the Economy room you do not have your own toilet and bathroom. Reservation site is available in Dutch and English.

The costs for the program are EUR 110.00 per person.
This includes lunch on Saturday in the Biesenhof as well as the tour of the NATO headquarters, as well as the 3-course dinner Saturday evening in Rolduc as well as the guided city walk through Sittard and also includes the closing lunch on Sunday afternoon in Elsloo Castle. Drinks are in all cases for your own account.
In Rolduc you can buy consumption coupons for drinks at the reception.

Please transfer the EUR 110.00 per person for the program into the bank account number of the Club Seventyfive: IBAN: DE89 5856 0103 0005 3324 26. Volksbank Trier.
Your participation is only guaranteed after payment of the program costs.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.

And as always, please activate your name and number of participants in the Treffentool!

Parking garage Sittard:
Rate EUR 1.90 per hour – daily rate EUR 5.00

Hope to meet you in South Limburg!

Rover 75 Tourer CDTi Club - 637.000 km 01/09/2024
Rover Streetwise 1.8 CVT - 101.000 km 01/05/2024

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Pim am 23-07-2023 08:43, insgesamt 6-mal bearbeitet
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Club SeventyFive Member
Club SeventyFive Member

Anmeldungsdatum: Jan 26, 2010
Beiträge: 383
Wohnort: United Kingdom
Rover 75 Tourer
2.0 CDTi
Schaltgetriebe / Manual Transmission
Starlight Silver Metallic

BeitragVerfasst am: 04-10-2023 11:35    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

it is a shame we didnt know sooner as Bev would of gone to this rather than our going to Kent for her 60th birthday but we had booked stuff so sadly we cant do it .
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