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Meeting 17 19 September 2021

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Club SeventyFive
Admin Team
Club SeventyFive<br>Admin Team

Anmeldungsdatum: 0
Beiträge: 51
Wohnort: Luxembourg

BeitragVerfasst am: 10-06-2021 10:38    Titel: Meeting 17 19 September 2021 Antworten mit Zitat

Dear Friends of Club Seventyfive,

We had a bad time, the pandemic has affected our lives quite a bit, one or the other has become ill themselves or it has affected relatives.
Twice we had to postpone our club meeting in Deggendorf with heavy heart.
But now there is light at the end of the tunnel. The number of infected people is decreasing rapidly.
Therefore the board of the club is the opinion that we can take the risk of offering a small meeting in September. By that time, almost all of us should have been vaccinated twice.
Karl (astronomer) is at home in the beautiful area of the Münsterland and has organized the meeting. We have already reserved a contingent of 20 double rooms at the Parkhotel Hohenfeld in Münster, which is valid until 30 July. Please make the room reservation yourself.
Our program proposal is as follows:

Friday, September 17, 2021

We meet between 1 and 1.30 pm at the Voss car dealership in Rosendahl-Darfeld.
This top-class car dealer has been specializing for years in the repair and refurbishment of young and old-timers and also has a small but fine car museum.

Afterwards we drive (half an hour) to the beautifully situated restaurant, Baumberg 19, 48301 Nottuln for coffee and cake.
Arrival around 3.30 pm.
Then we drive to our hotel in Münster the Parkhotel Hohenfeld:
Check in around 6 pm.
Around 7 pm dinner (buffet) in a room reserved for us in a separate building; open end.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

A guided city walk through Münster, followed by a visit to the Friedenssaal.
Afternoon at leisure.
Around 7 pm dinner (buffet), open end.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Visit to a typical Westphalian fortress or castle, the exact destination will follow.
End of the meeting and goodbye to the participants.

At the hotel there are the following charges:

Price per night for the standard double room € 139 including the extensive breakfast buffet.
The city of Münster levies a tourist tax of 4.5% of the room rate on all private hotel stays.
The price for the evening buffets is between approx. € 27 and € 40 (excluding drinks), depending on the type of buffet and the number of participants.

Contact information hotel:

Parkhotel Hohenfeld Dingbängerweg 400 • 48161 Munster Phone 0049 - (0) 25 34/8 08-0 E-mail
Keyword: Car Club 75

There are no costs at the car dealer, the costs for the city tour follow.

If you would like to participate, please use the Treffentool as usual
and please reserve a room in the Parkhotel Hohenfeld yourself.

See you in Muenster.
Club SeventyFive Admin Team
Club SeventyFive a.s.b.l., Luxembourg

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Pim am 15-07-2021 17:40, insgesamt 3-mal bearbeitet
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Club SeventyFive
Board Member
Club SeventyFive<br>Board Member

Anmeldungsdatum: Apr 07, 2004
Beiträge: 3261
Wohnort: NL / NH
Rover 75 Tourer
2.0 CDTi
Schaltgetriebe / Manual Transmission
Zircon Silver

BeitragVerfasst am: 15-09-2022 18:39    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat


Some pictures from Eric so we can reminisce a little longer.


Rover 75 Tourer CDTi Club - 637.000 km 01/09/2024
Rover Streetwise 1.8 CVT - 101.000 km 01/05/2024
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