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Club SeventyFive
Club SeventyFive<br>President

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 08, 2002
Beiträge: 4086
Wohnort: Bettembourg/Luxembourg
Rover 75 Tourer
2.5 V6
Automatikgetriebe / Automatic Transmission
Connoisseur SE
White Gold

BeitragVerfasst am: 24-03-2020 15:45    Titel: Stay healthy Antworten mit Zitat


Please stay healthy and keep calm....

All the Best Mintman
Rover 75 Saloon 2.0l & Rover Saloon 2.5l & Rover Tourer Diesel & MGF 1.8
Rover 75 V8 & MG ZS EV Long Range

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mintman am 25-03-2020 12:01, insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
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Club SeventyFive
Club SeventyFive<br>President

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 08, 2002
Beiträge: 4086
Wohnort: Bettembourg/Luxembourg
Rover 75 Tourer
2.5 V6
Automatikgetriebe / Automatic Transmission
Connoisseur SE
White Gold

BeitragVerfasst am: 09-11-2020 17:36    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Hi @all

As Covid is still around , please take care Beten and stay healthy. Winken

Best regards from the Club Seventyfive board
Rover 75 Saloon 2.0l & Rover Saloon 2.5l & Rover Tourer Diesel & MGF 1.8
Rover 75 V8 & MG ZS EV Long Range
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Club SeventyFive Member
Club SeventyFive Member

Anmeldungsdatum: Jan 26, 2010
Beiträge: 383
Wohnort: United Kingdom
Rover 75 Tourer
2.0 CDTi
Schaltgetriebe / Manual Transmission
Starlight Silver Metallic

BeitragVerfasst am: 16-11-2020 10:53    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

i hope soon we all can Bier Winken and enjoy life and our cars with out virus issues effecting our lives .. so much has been effected and mostly cancelled since feb . i have done only a handful of car things where as i would of done many many events .. some big events have been put back to next year and i hope they can go ahead . Brexit alas is most unhelpful and a mater that should not of happened how it has ,badly Weinen how it will effect future events ? Bevs health issues with a inner ear issue will not be cured Übergeben Weinen 2 Weinen Weinen at best it is trying to live with it , mostly possible but it can come on with out much warning ... for other reasons it was felt required to get a auto car to join our fleet as after many years of stop start heavy traffic to from the hospital she works at (can be 20 mins off when quite and 30 mins to hour half when busy Weinen ) we have part Ex our MG3 in for a New MG ZS AUTO as we got the 3 to help keep the 75 and MGF going ...
So now after a passing comment with a man from MG garage he said he had a cancelled order and for about £3000 off list take it home price i have got a delivery mileage car (12 miles) with 99.9% of its 7 year warranty left Hüpfend . i had wanted a MG HS hybrid but for now its not viable Weinen ( i really wanted it...) while getting the 3 serviced we passed the time with a test of a auto ZS .. well when the MG man said about the ZS we had to move very quickly so ended up getting it all sorted in 6 days and driving it off , Note for 3 days we were away near bath so it was a mad week .. the new ZS is a 1 lt 3 cylinder TURBO so drives very well as not a small car . so the aim is to keep the other cars mileage lower the rover is pushing 180000 and the mgf is over 10900 and most Fs don't have that much . i hope soon we can all enjoy our cars as we once did and get to play with the ZS and its toys , i understand a EV ZS is coming to euroland which shares many things with my facelift ZS , a fai EV i understand but i feel in the uk we are not yet set up for mass EV recharging hence my wanting the hybrid ... But for now we are still 100% petrol/diesel though a lost a cylinder Erstaunt currently I'm at home as back on part furlow , after being back at week a few weeks as was on furlow for 5/6 months .... (as in not at work due to the situation at 80% pay) mad times we have and i hope soon to be over but .. not for a while i fear..
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