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Club SeventyFive
Admin Team
Club SeventyFive<br>Admin Team

Anmeldungsdatum: 0
Beiträge: 51
Wohnort: Luxembourg

BeitragVerfasst am: 05-04-2009 00:22    Titel: Disclaimer & Board Rules [English] Antworten mit Zitat

Disclaimer & Board Rules

( => Deutscher Text )

Preliminary Remarks

Concerning the actual jurisdiction of the liability of public internet forums operators, the committee of the Club Seventyfive asbl, operator of the website, has decided that everyone entering the website as from 4th April 2009 has to accept the following disclaimer to gain admission to the website. Another reason for this action is resting upon recent postings violating good morals and offending personal rights of other users.

1. General Rules

The use of the Website (named R75 afterwards) is only valid referring to the following application conditions.
R75 is reserving the right to change, complete and replace these application conditions at any moment.
With or without a log-in you are accepting the actual application conditions.
Entering R75 happens at user’s risk.

2. Access to R75

R75 assumes no warranty for the continuous availability of the website.
R75 also is reserving the right to limit or cancel the offer of the website at any time.

3. The Use of R75 and the Provision of Content and Information

All information of R75 is for free for the user – as far as not stated otherwise. Every user can use and document the offered information for his own purposes.

Every conversion and utilisation of the offered information, reproducting, editing and changing is only allowed with the consent of the R75 or the information owner. R75 points out that contents and information are amendable to copyrights.

Every users of R75 is responsible for his articles himself. These articles are not imperatively reflecting the view of the operator and not implying his agreement. The operator can never be liable for statements of the users.

The operator can change the regulations and the rules of R75 without any further notice.

Every user of R75 commits himself not to:

-harm persons , their personal rights and insult or affront other users through own postings
-violate good morals, post racist remarks or links to that
-post articles and information which don’t refer to the topics of the board
-violate trademarks, properties and copyrights
-post contents and software containing viruses or other codes which can damage the web site
-post no authorized hyperlinks or articles mainly if these postings are violating the law
-advertising in any way ,diffusing spam ,wrong warnings from viruses, malfunction or anything similar
-encourage participation at sweepstakes, chain letters, pyramid selling or similar actions
-post and link any instructions to repair or to modify security-relevant components (mechanically, electrically or electronically) or put in contributions which are in violation of the Road Traffic Act or Road Traffic Permit Act
-Furthermore it is not allowed to post tips and hints provoking insurance frauds .

The user agrees to act in R75 in a manner he would be treated too.

The user can join discussions as long as he sticks to the rules.

If the user ignores these rules he will be excluded after the first warning.

The reprimands and the exclusion are decided by the committee of Club Seventyfive asbl and the decision will be transmitted to the user by the president of the committee or by an administrator agreed by the committee.

R75 is not liable for any damage resulting for the user’s wrong behaviour.

4. Links / Third Party Contents

R75 may contain links or references of third party websites.
R75 doesn’t take charge in any way of the content, information and references of third party websites as R75 cannot supervise and control these websites.

5. Important Notice to Computer Viruses

R75 tries all the time to keep the site virus free but R75 cannot give any warranty that the site is virus clean.
The user has to take care to insert in his personal computer security software in order to download information, content and software from R75 in a safe way.

6. Rules and responsibility using passwords

The user is in charge of the protection of his password for R75.
If a user has noticed that his own password has been known by an unauthorized person, he has to inform the operator of R75 immediately.
R75 will close that account. Again R75 is not liable for any damage resulting from an abuse of the password.

7. Area of Jurisdiction/ Applicable Law

The Club Seventyfive asbl is amendable to the constitutional law of Luxemburg.
Court of jurisdiction is the site of the Club in Luxemburg.
The club owns legal personality and is therefore able to prosecute in his own name and to introduce lawsuits.
The Club Seventyfive asbl is recorded in the society register (Mémorial) of Esch-zur-Alzette/Luxembourg C 2003 no. 222p 10654 (08455)

Office of theClub Seventyfive asbl
Club Seventyfive asbl
Château de Bettembourg
rue du château
L-3201 Bettembourg

Postal address of the Club Seventyfive asbl
Club Seventyfive asbl
c/o Fränk Rosenfeld
20, route d‘Esch
L-3231 Bettembourg

The committee of the Club Seventyfive asbl

Chairman of the board: Fränk Rosenfeld (L)
Registrar: Gert Waldorf (D)
Treasurer: Pim Appel (NL)
Friedrich Schubert (D)
Club SeventyFive Admin Team
Club SeventyFive a.s.b.l., Luxembourg

Zuletzt bearbeitet von gert am 17-08-2016 18:33, insgesamt 4-mal bearbeitet
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mintman am 22-01-2013 14:55, insgesamt 5-mal bearbeitet
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