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Club SeventyFive Member
Club SeventyFive Member

Anmeldungsdatum: Jan 26, 2010
Beiträge: 383
Wohnort: United Kingdom
Rover 75 Tourer
2.0 CDTi
Schaltgetriebe / Manual Transmission
Starlight Silver Metallic

BeitragVerfasst am: 03-01-2024 13:31    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

I still have my 75 and our mgf and we had a mg 3 for 4 years to help keep the other two going as long as poss and some use in car stuff but had reason to get a automatic , hence our getting a MG ZS 1 lt auto .. we've had it over 3 years now .
i know in euroland you do not get any petrol cars apart from the hs hybrid which i almost got but we got the zs . my understanding is the mg Evs are good for EVs Bev would of liked the mg 5 but while i thought about it in the uk the ev charging network isnt fully set up and patchy .
over the las t 3 years things EV have got better on the charging network but still a way to go .
i understand the network is better across euroland.. a shame the uk left and a mistake we will have to live with as i feel mg would of used longbridge as a route into euroland but it lost that option so had to set up in euroland from sq1 .. i think they are doing well over yours , even in the uk mg has done better than it has . whether we like it or not petrol cars are coming to the end of the road .. whether pure EV is the only answer isn't fully looked into yet i feel . options beyond the current EVs need to be gone into ...

as to the current MG . it has a link at least to mg of old , in the world wide car market were a car is made is less inportant than it was. i have tried to keep with things mg rover since 2005 and we did have stuff before then but not trying to .. we have two mgs and a rover . i hope mg will succed in the future rather than be another lost name in the history books ..
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Club SeventyFive
Club SeventyFive<br>President

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 08, 2002
Beiträge: 4086
Wohnort: Bettembourg/Luxembourg
Rover 75 Tourer
2.5 V6
Automatikgetriebe / Automatic Transmission
Connoisseur SE
White Gold

BeitragVerfasst am: 09-01-2024 18:13    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

in Europe MG has a big dealership mainly EV's MG 4 , 5 and ZS hybrid is vanishing coz many countries stopped the hybrid car bonus.The charging station net is very good in Europe ,apart from D Weinen . The Netherlands, France and Spain are very well equipped with stations.So no problems and worries on the continent bout Ecars.In Luxemburg you can get 6875£(pounds) buying an ecar but it has to be under 18KWh consumption otherwise nothing .In France you can get only a bonus if the car is built in Europe and people with low salary can get one in leasing for 87£ per month. Germany just stopped the Ecar bonus, no more money in the treasury.
Cheers Mintman
Rover 75 Saloon 2.0l & Rover Saloon 2.5l & Rover Tourer Diesel & MGF 1.8
Rover 75 V8 & MG ZS EV Long Range
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