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Cooperation between and mg-rover-org

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Club SeventyFive
Member & Moderator
Club SeventyFive<br>Member & Moderator

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 25, 2002
Beiträge: 8392
Wohnort: D-Moenchengladbach
Rover 75 Saloon
2.5 V6
Schaltgetriebe / Manual Transmission
Midnight Blue

BeitragVerfasst am: 13-08-2005 09:58    Titel: Cooperation between and mg-rover-org Antworten mit Zitat


on forums I published the following message:

Hi 75-enthusiasts,

I've noticed that there were already plans to cooperate with the Ultimate Rover 75 website and its Club Seventyfive . Why didn't you follow up those plans?
I'm one of the administrators of the above mentioned website and also a member of the board of the Club Seventyfive.
At the moment we have more than 2.000 members from more than 40 countries around the world on our website. Rover 75 and MG ZT are welcome.

You are right that our international section is very small but that depends on the very small number of international active members. We don't know why, but is is like it is. More than 80% of our members are german because the website was foundet in Germany in 2002.
Our aim was to create an international forum for all Rover 75 enthusiasts and I'm sure we are on our way.

The Club Seventyfive was founded as a legal base to organize any kind of national and international events around the Rover 75. So we already have celebrated a great international meeting at Luxembourg in 2003 (52 Rover 75 from 6 nations!), a visit to Longbridge in 2004 and a lot of national meetings in Germany and Austria since 2002. The club has no magazine, no annaully member meetings or other things that clubs usually might have. We "live" on the internet although there are already grown real friendships between some members over all borders.
The club is settled in Bettembourg, a small town near Luxemboug city. Our "home" is the castle of Bettembourg were our first international meeting took place. We have choosen Luxembourg because founding a club is more difficult in Germany than in Luxembourg and Luxembourg is a kind of heart of Europe.
The club supported some institutions like "The children of Chile" and we offered support for the redundant workers of Longbridge with the help of a MP from the midlands and Advantage West Midlands. The MP Malcolm Harbour from Sollihull and Ludo Seegers from Advantage West Midlands participated to our Luxembourg meeting and our trip to Longbridge.

The website and the club are defintely two separate things but we are strongly merged. No one who joint our website is obliged to become a member of the club. So the club itsself has actually only 51 members, the website more than 2.000 registered users.

Please visit our website, you are welcome! Here you will find what you are looking for: A worldwide community of owners and friends of the "new" Rover 75.

If you are interested to cooperate with us please don't hesitate to contact me at

I'm looking forward to hearing from you



What do you think about?


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Anmeldungsdatum: Nov 07, 2004
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Wohnort: E

BeitragVerfasst am: 14-08-2005 15:03    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

i think all kind of cooperation is allways welcome and will be very good for all of 75 owners of Europe
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Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 11, 2005
Beiträge: 11
Wohnort: Solihull

BeitragVerfasst am: 14-08-2005 21:12    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Coooperation is definately worthwhile and needs to be pursued. I think i was the the one to suggest it this time round. Although as you mention...its been mentioned before.

Im not too sure how the cooperation would work as of yet...has anyone got any ideas???

As you say you have a strong 80% German membership ...there is a definate strong following of the 75 on the Uk side of just hasnt been pulled together properly as of there has not been dedicated 75/ZT area for UK owners as of yet. I feel this is even more important than ever now with what has happened to our favourite company. My first impression is that this site needed a UK mirror almost with a full English translation on all of the articles etc and some UK uploads.....the problem comes in making this happen and how to affiliate it with It would be a shame to ignore when it has such big membership of 75 owners already.

So the idea is sound and definately needs to be pursued..... its just how to make it happen and what the final result will actually be. I would like to be a part of this but im not sure if i have the time to dedicate to it fully. I can certainly do a few "how tos" in English to start some of the uploads off!
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Anmeldungsdatum: Oct 13, 2008
Beiträge: 23
Wohnort: United Kingdom
Rover 75 Saloon
2.5 V6
V8 Autom. (4 G.)
Wedgewood Blue

BeitragVerfasst am: 25-10-2008 23:01    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

How things change! now in the region of 5000 members of the UK based 75andZTclub Bier
All assistance accepted without shame

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